Hotels in Barcelona

726 hotels found

in Barcelona (Municipality)

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140€ ~ 210per night

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84.53€ ~ 642per night

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21per night

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150€ ~ 240per night

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60€ ~ 150per night

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40€ ~ 350per night

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71€ ~ 400per night

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40€ ~ 96.3per night

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130€ ~ 350per night

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90€ ~ 138per night

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95€ ~ 130per night

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70€ ~ 130per night

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49€ ~ 85per night

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99€ ~ 440per night

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126.5€ ~ 839.96per night

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99€ ~ 760per night

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90€ ~ 187per night

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90€ ~ 200per night

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Located in this point
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