Hotels in Barcelona

726 hotels found

in Barcelona (Municipality)

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Hotel Glòries ***

40€ ~ 700per night

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35€ ~ 70per night

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Hotel Colón ****

0per night

Estimated rate


56€ ~ 61per night

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66€ ~ 173per night

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50€ ~ 70per night

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Hostel Fontanella

28€ ~ 48per night

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236€ ~ 273per night

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110€ ~ 250per night

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75€ ~ 110per night

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Contact the hotel to book

50€ ~ 350per night

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Contact the hotel to book

159€ ~ 215per night

Estimated rate

Contact the hotel to book

124€ ~ 154per night

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0per night

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60€ ~ 175per night

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0per night

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Hostel Ciudad Condal

90€ ~ 100per night

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49€ ~ 102per night

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0per night

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Located in this point
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Hotel Glòries Hotel information
Hostel Oliva Hotel information
Hotel Colón Hotel information
Hotel Regencia Colón Hotel information
Hostel Fontanella Hotel information
Hostel H La Paloma Hotel information
Hotel Catalonia Atenas Hotel information
Hostel Ciudad Condal Hotel information