Home > Europe > Spain > Asturias (Autonomous Community) > Asturias (Province) > Degaña (Municipality)
3 hotels found
in Degaña (Municipality)
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2 reviews So far
42.07€per night
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1 reviews So far
21€ ~ 30€per night
24.04€per night
Avda. Prudencio Fdez. Pello, 52 33812 Degaña (Spain)
Carretera General, s/n 33812 Degaña (Spain)
Carretera General 33812 Degaña (Spain)
Avda. Prudencio Fdez. Pello, 52 (33812) - Degaña (Spain)
Phone: +(34) 985834042
Fax: +(34) 985834002
Carretera General, s/n (33812) - Degaña (Spain)
Phone: +(34) 985818707
Fax: +(34) 985818731
Carretera General (33812) - Degaña (Spain)
Phone: +(34) 985818257
Fax: +(34) 985818190