Home > Europe > France > Rhone-Alpes (Region) > Haute-Savoie (Department) > Passy (Comune) > Passy (Town)
2 hotels found
in Passy (Town)
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52€ ~ 75€per night
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Contact the hotel to book
59€ ~ 150€per night
160, chemin de Fontenay 74480 Passy (RHONE ALPES France ) (France)
54-70 Rue du Dr. Davy (74480) - Passy (France)
Phone: +(33) 0450588020
Fax: +(33) 0450938000
160, chemin de Fontenay (74480) - Passy (RHONE ALPES France ) (France)
Phone: 04 50 93 89 92