Home > Europe > France > Aquitaine (Region) > Gironde (Department) > Bordeaux (Town) > Talence (Comune)
9 hotels found
in Talence (Comune)
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Based on the last 40 of 101 reviews
60€ ~ 95€per night
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2 reviews So far
50€per night
1 reviews So far
36.06€ ~ 42.07€per night
826€ ~ 0€per night
35€ ~ 50€per night
67.52€ ~ 86.82€per night
34€ ~ 45€per night
50€ ~ 110.21€per night
110€ ~ 265€per night
8, Allée Du 7Ème Art 33400 Talence (France)
La Fruta, 9 33402 Talence (France)
C/ La Fruta, 19 33401 Talence (France)
Príncipe de Asturias, 31 33408 Talence (France)
Avda. Pablo Laloux, 15 33408 Talence (France)
Avda. del Campón, 58 33408 Talence (France)
Llano Ponte Nº 4 33402 Talence (France)
8, Allée Du 7Ème Art (33400) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(33) 0557357600
Fax: +(33) 0556379865
La Fruta, 9 (33402) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(34) 985565840
Fax: +(34) 985564912
C/ La Fruta, 19 (33401) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(34) 985512288
Fax: +(34) 985512289
281 Cours de la Libération (33400) - Talence (France)
Phone: 0557357600
Fax: 0556379835
Príncipe de Asturias, 31 (33408) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(34) 985500200
Fax: +(34) 985501928
Avda. Pablo Laloux, 15 (33408) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(34) 985501822
Fax: +(34) 985500661
Avda. del Campón, 58 (33408) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(34) 985518744
Llano Ponte Nº 4 (33402) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(34) 985561100
Fax: +(34) 985545873
35 Rue Rémi Belleau (33400) - Talence (France)
Phone: +(33) 0556374812
Fax: +(33) 0556376032